
Celery Bellini 

PREP TIME: 5 minutes

The celery and cucumber juice makes more than you need for this recipe, but any extra is refreshing sipping chilled from the fridge on its own, or can be frozen and defrosted to use another time, up to 6 months before you want to use it. 




What to do

  1. Blitz the celery, cucumber and apple juice together in a blender until smooth. Pour the liquid through a cheesecloth to strain it and ensure that the liquid contains no solids. The solids can be mixed with flaxseeds, before being spread thinly on a roasting tray and dehydrated in a low oven for a no-waste cracker.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of the celery juice to a champagne flute or coupe, then top with cava to taste. Repeat with the remaining juice and cava. Store any leftover juice in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days.

What you will need

  • 150g celery
  • 150g cucumber
  • 300ml apple juice
  • 1 x 750ml bottle chilled cava or prosecco

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