Serves: 1
Preparation time: 10 minutes
You’ll need:
- ½ a small pineapple, core removed and roughly cut into chunks
- 2 large celery stalks
- Thumb sized piece of ginger, skin removed
To make this zesty juice, you will need a high-power juicer. If you don’t have a juicer, you could use a blender and then put all the blended ingredients through a muslin cloth to strain out the pulp.
What to do:
Start by peeling the pineapple and removing the core. Roughly chop the pineapple into large chunks then set aside.
Place all the ingredients through the juicer. Start with the ginger, this has less water than the other ingredients, so the rest will push this through when juicing them.
Once juiced, pour into a glass and drink within 8 hours.
It is normal for there to be some natural separation in the juice if left to stand. When ready to drink just give it a quick stir and enjoy.